Accounting Organizations

Beta Alpha Psi 是一个全国性的学术和专业会计联谊会吗. 德尔塔第十一分会于1975年在德克萨斯南方大学成立,旨在鼓励和认可会计领域的学术和专业卓越. To achieve this purpose or objective, Beta Alpha Psi fosters the following: the promotion of the study and practice of accounting; the provision of opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing accountants; and the encouragement of a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibilities. 大三和大四学生成为会员的最低学业要求是累积GPA达到3分.00 in accounting courses. 此外,学生必须完成会计231,232和331入学.

The National Association of Black Accountants 是全国性的会计学生组织吗. 其主要目的是促进会计专业发展, 鼓励和帮助少数群体成员进入会计行业, 并为少数民族成员发展会计教育提供帮助. 德州南方大学的学生分会成立于1975年, 会员资格向所有主修会计专业的学生或有意进入会计行业的人士开放.


Business Administration Organizations

The Student Business Leadership Organization (SBLO)由Marcus Winder(前学生)于2000年秋季成立. 该组织的目的是通过完善他们的技能和才能,将德州南方大学商学院的学生培养成社区和企业的领导者. 我们参与了一些社区服务项目,比如 American Breast Cancer Walkathon, a Coat Drive, and a Sexual Assault Awareness Program. 我们还举办专业发展研讨会,内容包括 Human ResourceMoney ManagementFranchising & ManagementNetworkingLeadershipFinancial Planning and much more.


Future Bankers Club provides leadership development, and professional, educational, 为对银行和金融服务行业感兴趣的学生提供社会参与活动.

The American Marketing Association, 在德州南方大学有分会吗, 一个全国性的组织是否能够向学生灌输在市场营销方面取得卓越成就的愿望,并为他们提供参加全国性组织提供的多种专业丰富活动的机会.

The Entrepreneurial Club 是商学院学生组织的最新成员吗. 该俱乐部旨在通过一系列活动和会议鼓励其成员和学生创业,这些活动和会议旨在拥有和经营一家小企业.


Graduate Organizations

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) 是工商管理硕士学生的管理机构吗. 该组织开展社会和发展活动,以提高研究生的教育经验. Along with these activities, GSA每年举办一次专业发展和领导力会议,向所有学生开放,努力为他们在企业环境中取得成功做好准备.


School-Wide Organizations

Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) is a global, 非营利性组织,通过在37个国家的1500多所大学校园中高度敬业的学生团队,真正改变了世界. SIFE为学生提供了发展领导力的机会, 团队合作能力和学习沟通能力, 实践和传授自由企业的原则, 从而在此过程中提高数百万人的生活水平. 由杰出的教师顾问指导,并得到全球企业的支持, 赛富团队通过教育推广项目教授重要的概念, including market economics, entrepreneurship, personal and financial success, and business ethics to better themselves, their communities and their countries. Each year, SIFE competitions are held worldwide, 成千上万的学生和商界领袖齐聚一堂,向这些非凡的教育推广项目致敬.

The SIFE team at the Jesse H. 琼斯商学院代表德克萨斯南方大学参加了在达拉斯举行的SIFE地区竞赛, TX during the 2004 spring semester. Competing for the second time, 该团队的演讲引人注目,吸引了观众和评委. Under the direction of faculty advisorDr. Johnnie Williams, and staff advisor, Ms. Rosalyn Wilson, the team of achievers returned home as the Regional Champions.   Competing team members included Tarun AdamsLeigh J. Britton (team captain), Lizette CastanoBrandi CummingsBranden GleasonVennita HarrisMajor LandNatasha OsborneEddie SimmonsAlba Tavira, and Irvin Williams. Others members included Delecia AytchCyreeta CurbeamShelya DockeryRamon EdisonAlfred HughesKela JeffersonMichael McGaskeyZelda MorganGarblah PaigeMichelle SouthersAthena Williams, and Taleathia Willingham.

For information about joining SIFE, e-mail us at

 Graduate Student Organization Advisors