Associate Professor 公共管理

SOPA教师套房402 AL
部门: 政治科学 and 公共管理


安托瓦内特克利斯朵夫 is an Associate Professor in the Executive Masters of 公共管理 Program at 德克萨斯南方大学 in the Barbra Jordan- Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs in Houston, 德州. She also is an NSF IGERT Fellow and 校友.

博士,. Christophe was an Assistant Supervisor at Louisiana State University Public Policy 研究 Lab and an Environmental Scientist for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality- Laboratory Sciences Division.

Dr. Christophe's research interests are Disaster Management & Organizational Performance and Environmental Justice & the Disproportionate Placement of Landfill and Chemical Plants in minority communities. Her research interests have led to presentations at several conferences. She presented “Built Trust and Confidence in Disaster Management via Highly Reliable Organizational Performance” at the Southeastern Conference of Public Administrators and “Disaster Management Personnel Observations versus Statistical Result Concerning Performance via Highly Reliable Organizational Concepts & E-gov” at the Midwest 政治科学 Association Conference, both in 2011.


Disaster Management, Environmental Justice, Organizational Performance

3100 Cleburne Street | Houston, 德州 77004 713-313-6849